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Lake Mburo National Park is the smallest Savannah National Park in Uganda that covers an area of 260 square kilometers (100.4 square miles) and is situated in Western Uganda on the Masaka-Mbarara Highway, about 230 kilometers/3-4 hours drive from Kampala. This Park is a haven to over 70 species of mammals including the Impalas, Defassa waterbucks, elands, Oribis, Zebras, Leopards, spotted hyenas, Buffaloes, Hippos, Reedbucks, Olive baboons, Klipspringer, Giraffes and Warthogs among others and more than 350 species of birds such as Bare-faced go-away, Abyssinian ground hornbill, Rufous-bellied herons, the shoebill stork, the Blue-chested lapwing, the Green wood-hoope, African scops owls and the African finfoot among others.

The All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs/Quad Bikes) used during the safaris are easy to ride and include Semi-Automatic Transmission ATVs with effective silencers (to reduce on the noise that can scare away the wildlife) are exceedingly wide and have low-pressure tyres to exert less impact on the trails/paths. While on this incredible safari, you will be able to spot several wildlife species within a close proximity than it is with game drives. The trails transverse the acacia forest and offer tourists with a view of the wildlife within the forest, go through the valley where you will encounter large herds of animals grazing in the vast Savannah plains. The activity is conducted at your own pace, and you ca n even stop to any point and time along the trail to take photographs.

Each tour of the Quad Biking safari begins with getting your kits ready that include overalls, helmets, goggles/sunglasses, bandana and closed shoes or rubber boots. Before venturing into the Park, briefing is conducted from Rwonyo Park Headquarters-entailing the dos and don’ts of the activity. Emphasis is put in seriously complying with Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) guidelines specifically no going off-track or on over speeding. While on this Safari, avoid riding as if you visited the National park to plough through the mud or to race with your colleagues. Remember it is a National park and Park rules ally for all tourists. It is a game drive that allows tourists to venture into the wilderness to experience remarkable sights and sounds of the wildlife an d birds, to feel what it means to experience African wilderness without windows like it is for game drives with vehicles

The most common Quad biking trails include the following;

The spectacular Ankole Guided Quad biking Trail– a 3 hours’ game viewing trail on the western banks to Kagarami and rewards tourists with the views of the surrounding areas mostly the Ankole Cultural Center with the vast banana plantations and farmlands.

Another trail is the Eland guided quad biking trail that lasts up to 2 hours and wanders around the acacia forest of Lake Mburo National Park and rewards tourists with sights of Topis, the zebras, waterbucks, elands, warthogs and Impalas among others.

The Ruroko guided Quad biking trail lasts up to 4 hours and is the most adventurous of all the Quad biking trails in Lake Mburo National Park and passes through the Open deep valleys, the Ruroko Kopje and through the Lakeside track.

Requirements for Quad biking within Lake Mburo National park

The important requirements to make quad biking in Lake Mburo National Park a success include the Quad bike of course, overalls, helmets, enough drinking water, packed lunch or snacks such as biscuits, bandana, goggles, hiking boots/gumboots and hats.

Would you like to try out Quad biking during your Uganda safari? Don’t miss visiting Lake Mburo National park in Western Uganda. There is nothing as refreshing as exploring the exceptional wildlife species in an exceptional way like Quad biking.